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For many members,the monthly journal of Telephone Collectors International, is the primary reason they joined us.

Singing Wires presents a unique collection of informative articles and news of the telephone collectors' community. The primary focus is the telephone collecting hobby but it includes many well written articles on telephone history that make it interesting to anyone who is interested in the history of telecommunications.

Singing Wires also includes members' free advertisements.

Sample from the latest Singing Wires
The Birth of a Buttset
By TCI Staff

Had you visited the JKL Museum in California prior to the fire in September that leveled the facility and destroyed the collection, you probably would have seen the large display of buttsets hanging on the wall in the switchroom. The collection included sets of every color and type from early all metal types to the more modern plastics with touchtone dials. The owner of the museum has always had a special interest in this type of telephone, so it was no surprise when we learned recently that he purchased a very unusual model for his new collection....

For the rest of this story along with many others, access to our Bonus Pages which contain many more photos, online access to all back issues of Singing Wires from 1986 on and many other benefits, join our club. It's easy and it's not expensive.

Articles Wanted!

Help preserve the history of telephony

The TCI Singing Wires Editorial Board (SWEB) encourages all members to write and submit articles for publication in Singing Wires about their collections, favorite phones, telephone related experiences, etc.

It is preferred that articles be limited to two pages. That means it should be no more than about 2000 words in length or less if pictures are to be included. Pictures should be of high resolution so they may be cropped if needed.

Please describe any interesting phone feature mentioned in sufficient detail that a technically-minded journal reader can understand what it is, why it's important and how it works (at least in general terms). BSP or catalog references always help add credibility to your work.

If you feel you do not have good writing skills, do not let that deter you. A member of the SWEB will gladly work with you on the final stages of your article, providing assistance, research and editing.

Non-members are also encouraged to submit articles.

Submit your article to: the Singing Wires Editorial Board at:

Similarly, if you are into switching, send your Switchers' Quarterly articles to the SQ Editor at: SqEditor@TelephoneCollectors.org

TCI reserves the right to edit all articles for length, format and clarity. TCI may publish any article submitted in Singing Wires, Switchers' Quarterly, the TCI website, various CD or DVD summaries and other publications.

Article and Advertisement Submission Guidelines

Article submissions, questions about contents and letters should be addressed to the Singing Wires Editorial Board at sweb@TelephoneCollectors.org

Please send the text in a Word document and each photo in an individual jpg file. Reference the photos in the text using the terms Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.

Regular buy/sell/trade advertisements for Singing Wires are free for members and should be sent to the editor, at editor@TelephoneCollectors.org
