Bitch Clamp = The three bolt suspension clamp used to attach the messenger strand to a pole. So named because of what the lineman yells when he hits it with his knee.
Butt-set (or butt-in or buttinski) = a handheld portable telephone used by installers and linemen.
Cigar box = 105 apparatus box
Cuckoo clock = 851/2851 series of wall key sets
Donkey dick = re-enterable buried enclosure
Green Weenie = a service pedestal
Kerchunker = 3M model E9C splicing gun
Lunchbox = pole-mounted 104- or 105-type 11- 16- or 25-pair terminal
Mushroom = wiring spool
Outhouse = booth
Parker rack = 23inch rack about 6 feet tall. (Who was Parker, anyway?)
Roach clip = 419A test clip
Shoebox = 551 type KSU
Snot cap = gel-filled binding post protector
Tombstone = 23inch apparatus cabinet of various heights and depths