Cincinnati area Labor Day show - September 3-4, 2010
Photos by Gary Goff

Dennis Schaber had an old postcard photo of each deskstand on display. He got the Best Display ribbon.

Jon Finder had a display of his very nice SC deskstands including a very rare "Roman Column" set. He got the Best Deskstand ribbon

Paul and Samuel (Paul's son) had a Select-O-Phone display
with at least seven different SOP desksets, all working.
They got the Most Unusual ribbon.

The AE 90 set in blue is for real, but according to the experts,
this set was never manufactured in this color. The set belongs to Gene Doom.

This was a display of many of TCI's reproduced catalogs that are for sale on the TCI website.

This was Steve Flocke's display of several working switches. He was awarded the Most Educational ribbon.

This was John Jones' display of a C*Net setup.

Bob Alexander was given a Special Recognition ribbon for his display of telephone art displayed in framed graphics,
faceplate attachments, insulators, as well as some very special framed original maps.


Revised 09/06/10